Echoing in some remote corner of my memory are dreams of Heliskiing. Bugaboo, Monashee, Selkirk -- vodoo names just

out of reach in the foggy snow bound edges of dreamland. Dreamy words of an indistinct corner of Canada -- too far, too expensive. The dreams of the young pitched against the reality what it takes to fuel a helicopter, to build Kubla Khan's sunny pleasure-dome in the snow-fields of Canada. In this small world it's only a few phone calls, a bag of pesos and I find myself in a car driving through the snowbound Idaho Panhandle en route to the Canadian Mountain Holidays Bobby Burns Lodge! Snatched from poverty and the tropics like a drugged sailor. With a sublime wintery twist Kubla Kahn is transformed into a lost Canadian prospector, Bobby Burns.


Read more: A Beginner's Guide to Heliskiing